Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dog Ear Infections – How To Treat and Prevent It?

Dog ear infection is common in dogs. It is can cause discomfort and pain for the dogs. For this reason, it is vital to learn how to determine its symptoms. Being aware of its known symptoms will help you identify if your dog is afflicted by it and how to cure it.

There are several factors that cause dog ear infections. The most common causes are yeast infections, bacteria, allergies, and ear mites in dogs. Constant scratching of ears and shaking of the head are just few of the known effects of ear problems in dogs. A brown-colored and foul-smelling ear wax discharge in your dog’s ears would also be another symptom.

If your dog is experiencing any of these symptoms, immediately take your dog to the veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. Unfortunately, there are some people who have a tight budget for such veterinary expenses so mostly likely they would prefer doing that.

Generally, dog ear infections are caused by the yeast infection in your dog, so you can initially try to treat this at home. Doing this might help you avoid having a trip to the veterinary clinic and save some money.

If you try a dog ear problem remedy at home, learn how to clean and treat your dog’s ears properly. Home remedies for dog ear problems are helpful; however, if your dog still continues to experience some discomfort and pain, you shouldn’t ignore it. Take your dog to the veterinary.

Preventing dog ear infections begin at home. Keeping your dog’s ears clean and dry especially after a shower is one major step. Also, maintain a healthy and clean environment at home to protect not just your dog’s health, but also yours and your family.


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